Sr. Flavia Fernandes RJM

Dear Students, Parents, and Visitors,
Welcome to Convent of Jesus and Mary High School, Palle Naigaon!

I am honoured to serve as the Principal of this exceptional institution, dedicated to providing quality education and nurturing the holistic development of our students. At Convent of Jesus and Mary, we firmly believe in our school motto, "Dare to Shine." It encapsulates the spirit of courage, resilience, and excellence that we strive to instill in our students.

Our commitment to academic excellence is evident in our rigorous curriculum, delivered by a team of experienced and passionate educators. We empower our students to explore their potential, question, think critically, and develop a thirst for knowledge that will stay with them throughout their lives. We encourage them to dare to dream big, to set ambitious goals, and to work tirelessly to achieve them.

Beyond academics, we believe in the importance of character formation and the holistic development of every student. We provide a nurturing environment that promotes the values of integrity, empathy, and respect. Through various co-curricular activities, sports, and community service initiatives, our students learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and social responsibility. We encourage them to dare to shine in all aspects of their lives, embrace their unique talents, and positively impact the world around them

Our dedicated faculty members are not just teachers but also mentors and role models. They inspire, guide, and support our students every step of the way. Together, as a strong community, we create an atmosphere that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and personal growth. We believe in the power of collaboration and open communication between students, parents, and teachers to ensure the holistic development of our students.

As you explore our website, I invite you to discover the vibrant and dynamic world at the Convent of Jesus and Mary High School. You will find information about our programs, faculty, facilities, achievements, and the numerous opportunities we provide for our students to excel in academics, sports, arts, and more.

To the parents, thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. We understand the trust you place in us, and we are committed to nurturing their potential, building their character, and preparing them to become compassionate and responsible global citizens.

To the students, remember that each one of you has unique gifts and talents waiting to be discovered. Dare to shine, embrace challenges, and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Your journey at the Convent of Jesus and Mary will equip you with the skills and values needed to succeed academically and in every aspect of life.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the stakeholders who contribute to the success of our school – our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and the wider community. Together, we create an environment where students can flourish and dare to shine.

Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to welcoming you to Convent of Jesus and Mary High School, Palle, Naigaon.

With warm regards,
Sr. Flavia Fernandes RJM