
Founders Details


Claudine Thevenet was a woman called by God to form the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus & Mary. Her work was born in a heart crushed by the pain of personal tragedy during the French Revolution. Her brothers were shot to death before her and the family was distressingly scattered. Claudine was then 19 years of age. This event was a decisive turning point in her life.God works in such wondrous ways to realize His designs. She concluded that there was more ignorance than malice in all the violence she witnessed. The thought of those who live and die without knowing God haunted her and caused her anguish. Far from closing in upon herself in suffering, she opened her heart to the miseries surrounding her. Led by the Spirit, Claudine opened her doors to welcome two orphans - a door that would never close. Many young people would later cross the threshold of the J. M. Houses founded throughout the world. Her response to the Call of God took form in her total commitment of herself to the following Christ. A Religious Family was born in the Church...

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St. Claudine Thevenet
1774 - 1837

Foundress of the Congregation of
Jesus & Mary…
How Good God Is!



We strive to create a dynamic and inclusive learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning. Through a rigorous and personalized education, we aim to prepare our students to excel academically, socially,and spiritually, and to make a positive difference in the world. "With a commitment to excellence,



"Our vision at Convent of Jesus and Mary High School is to empower our students to become compassionate leaders of tomorrow, through a holistic education that nurtures their intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development inspired by the values of our Catholic faith and the legacy of our founders St. Claudine Thevenet.



Convent of Jesus & Mary High School was founded in the year 2000. It is an unaided minority school under Article 30 (1) of the Constitution of India.