News Letters


Foundress Details


Claudine Thevenet was a woman called by God to form the Congregation of the Religious of Jesus & Mary. Her work was born in a heart crushed by the pain of personal tragedy during the French Revolution. Her brothers were shot to death before her and the family was distressingly scattered. Claudine was then 19 years of age. This event was a decisive turning point in her life.God works in such wondrous ways to realize His designs.

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Convent of Jesus & Mary High School was founded in the year 2000. It is an unaided minority school under Article 30 (1) of the Constitution of India. It is a co-education school and the medium of instruction is English. It is established and managed by the Religious of Jesus & Mary, belonging to the Catholic Church.

The School with its present 700 pupils has an interesting history. In Naigoan, Palle, there was a need for an English medium school, so Fr. J. Periera gave in to the demand to run an English Medium School in Palle. The Religious of Jesus & Mary who were serving at St. Bede’s Marathi Medium School shouldered the responsibility to initiate the process of starting an English Medium School.

In November 1999, there was a selection of Junior and Senior Kg Children. 57 students were given admission for the same. On 15 June 2000, the English medium school was finally established in Palle. The classes were held in the old dilapidated St. Bede’s Marathi Medium School. The classes for the Marathi medium children were conducted on the ground floor and the English Medium School on the first floor. The school community of both sections felt the need to provide a holistic atmosphere to educate our children.

In 2004, the old St. Bede’s Marathi Primary School was demolished and the classes were conducted in the convent and church premises. On 12th June 2005, the inauguration and blessing of the New School building took place by Bishop Thomas Dabre. The school was officially named ‘CONVENT OF JESUS & MARY, HIGH SCHOOL, PALLE NAIGAON.’

Finally, the dream of having an English Medium School in Palle was now realized. Indeed with St. Claudine, we acclaim, “HOW GOOD GOD IS”!






Years Completed